Here is the complete preparation strategy for UPSC without coaching: How to prepare for UPSC: Understand the UPSC Exam The candidates preparing for the UPSC exam without the coaching must have complete information about the exam, such as the UPSC exam pattern, UPSC exam syllabus, UPSC marking sc...
All the updates related to UPSC 2024 exam, will be notified here for candidates’ reference. Detailed Application Form-II (DAF II) will be released post the Civil Services Mains Result. ThisUPSC DAFhas to be filled by the candidates who qualify the personality test. ...
How to do Answer Writing for UPSC CSE/Answer Writing Tips Tips To Remember Dates In History How to Excel at UPSC Civil Service Exam How to Prepare for UPSC without Coaching?Frequently asked questions Get answers to the most common queries related to the UPSC Examination Preparation. How to imp...
The sheer quantity of learning you have to do in order to cover the UPSC syllabus mandates that you prepare a study timetable and follow it without fail. This article hopes to throw some light on how to make an IAS Topper study routine for UPSC preparation so that you score well in the...
This tip is for all students irrespective of the fact whether they choose to go for coaching or decide to prepare for the ias exam without coaching.How to prepare for this tough UPSC exam?One of the primary factors that make the Civil Service Exam tough is the exam pattern. It consists ...
How to Prepare Notes for UPSC in Hindi Upsc Exam Preparation Material Buy UPSC Notes Making notes is essential for the preparation of Civil Services examination and there are several reasons to it; one, notes makes you to understand the given topic clearly. This is because you have to pick ...
Though it might sound like a heavy task, and to an extent maybe it is. But preparing for entrance exams can be done with a lot of ease and the actual test can be passed without the fretting. Of course, the candidates will be nervous, but here are some tips that you might find usefu...
Do not claim anything affecting the allotment, including the information used for bonus points, information used for tie-break, applicant’s category etc. without the certificates required in the prospectus. If the certificates are not produced, the allotments received will be cancelled and the stud...
How to learn Modern Indian History in less than 30 days for the UPSC Exam? Indian History is a vast topic that can be broadly divided into three – (1) Ancient India (2) Medieval India (3) Modern India. Each of these three sub-topics is also extensive in nature and generally require...
This is because covering the vast syllabus of UPSC CSE entirely by self-study takes a lot of time – usually multiple years. Also, the candidate should be highly disciplined and self-motivated to pursue the path of self-study. It has been observed that most aspirants who prepare alone with...