自學韓文幾年,韓檢 (TOPIK) 也達到高級程度,卻總在開口說的關頭卡詞或句子說得不自然嗎?這是許多自學韓文的朋友會遇到的難題,更何況找人練習口說的機會並不多。然而千萬不要認為「沒有當地朋友或沒有住在當地就不能說得像母語人士一樣」!以下三個韓文口說練習的步驟將告訴你如何釐清自己的口說「症頭」,搭配...
TOPIK The Test of Proficiency in Korean (TOPIK) is available for non-native speakers to take to prove their Korean language skills. It is used by universities and businesses to assess applicants’ proficiency. KPE The Korean Proficiency Exam (KPE) can be taken by those who live overseas and...
Those brave enough to study a degree taught in Korean need to pass the officialTest of Proficiency in Korean (TOPIK). However, most international students will choose English-taught programmes, for which they need to submit: IELTS Academic scores TOEFL iBT scores Learn more aboutIELTS vs TOEFL ...
How the pile of guano or manure in Chincha islands was used by the Inca people; Advantages of the people in Peru on the cormorant; Transportation of the guano to the fields of Europe to fertilize the crops; Gains of the ma...
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