You may not have had an interview since your application to medical school.1 This article offers guidance on how to answer different interview questions as well as managing clinical scenarios, tips for giving a presentation, and advice on how to perform critical analysis of research papers to ...
If you already know you want to go to medical school, then this is the time to focus on your grades. Be careful not to overload your schedule. Overcoming poor grades in your freshman year takes tons of energy and is always an uphill battle. It’s better to start strong. Plus, doing ...
Step 6: Prepare for and Shine in Medical School Interviews Most medical schools conduct their interviews virtually or have a virtual option, Osborn says. Still, it’s important to dress professionally, prepare thoroughly and treat it like a job interview. Interview formats vary. Schools...
If possible, try to complete at least one research project early in the year so that you have something substantive to add to your application and discuss in interviews. READ: Everything You Need to Know About Medical School Interviews. Create a Schedule Establish a weekly...
Applying for medical interviews is an incredibly stressful time for junior doctors. You have to find time to prepare for your interview whilst doing long on-call shifts and nights. Modern medical interviews have become viva exams where you can be asked questions on a range of different topics,...
Pre-med programs are both challenging and notoriously competitive. If you’re interested in attending medical school, follow these steps to effectively prepare for pre-med while you’re still in high school. If just reading the words, “prepare for pre-med while you’re still in high school,...
If you’re an aspiring physician assistant, use this resource to learn more about how to be a competitive applicant to PA school.
What else to consider when applying for medical assistant positions As you prepare for interviews, you’ll be thinking a lot about how to present yourself as a good fit. However, you should also think about what makes a potential employer a good fit for you. Serving patients is rewarding, ...
Try not to give a personal answer to this question. Your interviewer is looking for a value addition to the hospital. So, hints of plans to leave soon will not be taken well. Sample answer:In five years’ time, I see myself as someone with better understanding of the medical industry....
How to prepare for an interview? Preliminary preparation self introduction The first part of each interview is "Please introduce", so this question must be prepared in advance. How to prepare? What is the point of the personal introduction?