It may sound simple – Pass the test and get the certification. Maybe some of you think it’s not bad and you will easily pass it. Few people will say that preparation will take 2 days. Even your colleagues can also say that I was preparing for 2-3 days and it was so easy to pa...
While preparing for ISTQB your basic concepts of Software Testing will be cleared. Also, certification will help in appearing for jobs in well-reputed organizations. If you don’t want to mug up yourself with lots of resources, I will advise you to check this guide onhow to prepare for the...
Software testing certification is an added advantage for all testing and QA positions. Rather, testing certifications like ISTQB, CSTE, etc. are some of the mandatory criteria for most of the companies. Always keep learning and equip yourself with the necessary tools and skills, so that you will...
For example, for non-native English speakers certificates like FCE, CAE, and CPE are useful. If you are passionate about testing, you can consider getting your ISTQB certification. To validate your cloud expertise, an Amazon certificate is a valuable asset. These certificates are not cheap, but...
One such significant factor is Team Building. While building the right team, the focus should be on certain key elements like Roles & Responsibilities, Knowledge Transfer, Domain Knowledge, Career Ladder, Technical & Domain Certification, Team Dynamics & Group Outings, etc. ...
Not only higher education is important for obtaining a job. Any additional trainings, courses both onsite and online can add advantage. Some companies issue mandatory requirements in possession of such testing certification as ISTQB or CSTE, so their possession must be mentioned obligatory. Any other...
Test strategy means “How you are going to test the application?” You need to mention the exact process/strategy that you are going to follow when you get the application for testing. I see many companies that follow the Test Strategy template very strictly. Even without a standard template...
Software development teams are often enamored by the technical implementation details and managers by process implementation/maturity. Unless the team pays particular attention to understanding what we are building, who it is for, in what steps to achieve a certain goal, etc. ...
There are lots ofbeginner level QA certificationsavailable in the market. There is ISTQB-CTFL,QAI’s CSTE& CAST, etc. If you are experienced in any of the automation tools, you can also take certification for that.For Example, HP QTP certification, HP ALM certification (QC) or LoadRunner...
Software testing certification is an added advantage for all testing and QA positions. Rather, testing certifications like ISTQB, CSTE, etc. are some of the mandatory criteria for most of the companies. Always keep learning and equip yourself with the necessary tools and skills, so that you will...