Australia’s Black Summer Bushfires in 2019-2020 took a terrible toll in terms of lives and livelihoods. 33 people were killed. The fires burned more than 3,000 houses and 17 million hectares of land, and also caused the death of over one billion animals. Many communities lost all power ...
In Australia more bushfires are started by deliberate lighting than are caused by lightning or other natural sources. This creates an element of criminality in relation to bushfires which includes the establishment of bushfire arson as a serious criminal offence. The author presents a motive-based ...
Australia has a hot climate with a high risk ofbushfire, and this problem will only get worse under global warming. Whileenergy companiesand authorities have much work ahead to ensure the electricity grid against these challenges, every electricity user has a role to play. The Conversation This ...
Devastating bushfires have beenspreading across Australiafor months, and they show no signs of slowing down. Millions of acres have burned, destroying about 2,000 homes and killing at least 25 people. It is estimated that more thanhalf a billion wild animalshave perished in the flames — a ...
The most common cause of power outages in Australia is severe weather, such as storms and high winds. Other causes include faults in the electricity network, damaged equipment, and bushfires. 1. Severe Weather Severe weather is the most common cause of electricity outages in Australia. Storms ...
There is some evidence that fire can reduce an animal’s fitness by reducing habitat suitability. A study in grey-headed flying foxes (Pteropus poliocephalusTermminck, 1825) following bushfires in eastern Australia showed that a reduction in available foraging habitats was associated with substantially...
From coast to coast More than half of the value of Australia's oyster industry comes from NSW. Along the state's 2,000km coastline, oyster leases are found in 32 estuaries, north to the Tweed River near the Queensland border and south to Wonboyn Lake near the Victorian border. ...
Vardoulakis and colleagues pointed out thathealth professionalshave responded heroically to COVID-19, bushfires and floods over the past 2 years "but it is not sustainable in the long run." "Extreme events, pandemic fatigue, overstretched clinical services, spiraling demand for mental health servic...
This weekend we visited four different libraries and the library with the best Halloween decorations was Waverley Library!! ️🦇🎃🐈⬛ Otto had his very first Judo grading!! He's so proud of his new belt Otto trying out some more paper
But if the world was really reaching the end of days, is there anything we could do to stop the carnage? Can we really prepare for doomsday? Robert Rodriguez/CNET It's a question we've been asking ourselves for a long time. In the 1950s, Bert the Turtle coached schoolchildren across...