everything you are able to buy with the possibly worthless bills. The masses will be unaware of the breakdown of society that lays before them. The masses will hold onto the illusion of money, but you are smarter because you've been planning for this. Take action to buy, but only if i...
Prepare device storage:You'll need around 1.6GB of storage to install CoD: Mobile and for game data, so you might have to clean something out. If you're right at the limit, your phone won't run as well, and this is a demanding game. COD:M breaks down the files so you only need...
China especially has invested a lot in cyber-warfare, creating a separate military branch for it. They are years ahead of the United States in this area, including in our ability to protect our systems against such attacks. Should China decide that they wanted to shut down the United States,...
going after Syrian anti-air weapons likely to prepare the way for many more attacks on Iranian assets. This is going to result in a much bigger confrontation at some point. Israel is doing what Biden should be doing. Maybe Israel will also take out the Houthi rockets and command centers si...
Exercises like this have been growing in scale in recent years, as it has become clear that cyberwarfare has moved from the largely theoretical to the worryingly likely. Many governments are now spending vast sums on building up their capability to wage war on digital syste...
Yes, int’l jewry DOES own, run and control the media….its all about control of the human mind through propaganda and psychological warfare. Devils all! May Judgement Day rid these vermin from out of our midst FOREVER!!! Regards, Jonah California http://geocities.com/jedicommandone admin ...
or some phony ass pandemic, it was aboutkilling your spirit, killing the American Dream, and enacting total control on the populous – and if you think I am wrong, just take a trip to your local Walmart and tell me these people are not part of the biggest phycological warfare mindfuck...
black magic etc. MUST RENOUNCE THESE PAST PRACTICES before God and sincerely repent and ask for forgiveness for having engaged in them. Such practices offend God and open a portal to the demonic, and therefore the portal must be closed through sincere repentance and the desire for the mercy an...
“conspiracy” for allegedly working with US Army soldier at the time, Chelsea Manning. Assange was in handcuffs when he was brought out and as he was being dragged from the embassy, he managed to grab the book,Gore Vidal: History of the National Security State.As he was shoved into the...
the of and to a in that is was he for it with as his on be at by i this had not are but from or have an they which one you were all her she there would their we him been has when who will no more if out so up said what its about than into them can only other time new...