{"__typename":"BlogTopicMessage","uid":1469424,"subject":"Online proctored exams: What to expect and how to prepare","id":"message:1469424","revisionNum":10,"author":{"__ref":"User:user:50590"},"depth":0,"hasGivenKudo":false,"board":{"__ref":"Blog:bo...
First published on TECHNET on Aug 22, 2016 Just a quick note to let you know that we have a new article available that describes how to prepare a Windows VHD...
Since this is the question-answering scenario, my first thought was to prepare the data set in "Question: {} Answer: {} Context: {}" format but since there are so many documents and for that, I will first need to generate the questions, then the answers and... you know it becomes ...
that the person wishes to fill out on the person's computer. So the form must be downloaded and saved to a pdf file. But the form I did save to pdf and have been trying to prepare using that pdf copy will not let me prepare the form completely and accurately. Are there any particul...
How to prepare photos to use in PS Sky Replacement GoldingD LEGEND , Nov 12, 2023 Copy link to clipboard This is not about how to use the PS Sky Replacement This is not about how to Import an Image to add to Get More Skys This is about prepping...
Please proceed with the section which applies to the core for which you are starting a debug thread. Primary Core Load Image and Run Prepare the initialization script for the core(s) to be debugged. Open the core initialization Python script: ...
It seems the problem is with the certificate. With ODBC driver 18.0, the default value for the Encrypt is set to true. I recommend you to read the following blog post. https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/sql-server-blog/odbc-driver-18-0-for-sql-server-released/ba-p/3169228 ...
Prepare the Printer: Make sure your printer is turned on and has paper loaded. Ensure the printer is in a ready state (not printing or showing errors). Connect the Printer to Wi-Fi: Open the HP Smart app on your computer. Click on the plus sign (+) to add a ne...
Recently, I am running an NLP-related (secretive lol) project, which needs to fine-tune a T5 model. I look around the fine-tune script through Chinese communities however can't find a good doc for T5 fine-tuning. So I made one. Hope it helps!
To prepare this test, I prepare my server with the attached physical configuration (cf My_configuration.pdf). With your software tools included in "28.2.1 Release Package" and your response, I have updated the sofware configuration of my NIC (NVM, DDP and ice Driver) But I have one rema...