How To Pray- R. A. Torrey- the importance & method of prayer- Pray, pray, pray. All energy & all heart into prayer. I must pray.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen.Step ThreeMove to the first bead and pray the Our Father.Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom...
Understanding How to Pray Effectively. Accurate, Biblical Explanation of What Effective Prayer is and How to Master It
To pray the Catholic Rosary using rosary beads, you start by holding the cross as you say the first prayer. Then you move your fingers to the large bead above the cross and say another prayer. Next you move on to the three small beads then the medal and continue around the loop until...
Many Christians, since they have not been properly taught how to engage with the enemy when he does come their way, are drowning in their sea of troubles. Too many Christians could not pray their way out of a paper sack if they ever got caught in one because they have never established...
If you wish to pray more diligently for someone who is departed, say this Troparion: “Grant rest, O Lord, to the soul(s) of Thy departed servant(s) (name(s)). [bow] Forgive and have mercy on him (her, them), for whatever sins he (she) hath (or: they have) humanly committed...
Paul ends this section encouraging us to pray fervently for ourselves, for each other and for the work of the Church. “Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints—and for me, that uttera...
All three of these (rejoice, pray, giving thanks) puts you to work 24 hours a day! Or at least during your “awake hours.” Doing this is a good description of “being revived.” Add in setting others free of the lordship of the devil whenever you come upon them, and you are now...
In the coming days, we’ll talk about the importance of godly friends, the blame game, whether our Christianity could be just a facade, and consider whether we might neglect to pray until it’s the last resort. I hope you’llsign upso you don’t miss any of them. You might also li...
So my first trip in the beginning/middle of June to take my son to Indiana for his retreat, I drop him off and stop in the chapel to pray. I expressed my concerns to God about the summer. And I heard:let it be what it is. ...