Encountering Jesus Through the Rosary The rosary reaffirms that Catholicism, properly understood, begins and ends with Jesus. The saving ministry of Jesus is the motivation and main objective of the rosary.The Rosary – Origins & More Learn about the history of the Rosary and the contemplative ...
Women who are interested in becoming a nun are encouraged to evaluate the different orders and to try living in a convent for some time while working in the outside world. Often living in a convent can help a woman decide whether serving God as a nun is really her chosen path. Women wh...
Reconciliation, or penance, is one of Catholicism’s seven sacraments, and followers are expected to go to confession at least once a year. Rest assured that the priest, bound by the seal of confession, will not divulge your sins. How To Pray the Rosary By Howcast 03/05/2008 12:26...
Learn the Five Pillars of Islam. These are five essential components to the faith. The first, repeating the shahadah, which is a common phrase in Islamic countries and calls the faithful to prayer sessions. The second pillar is salat, or worship. Muslims pray five times daily. In Islamic co...
Despite large differences between Protestantism and Catholicism, praying the rosary has the same purpose: to reflect deeply on the mystery of God. Among Protestants, however, some sects, including Baptists and Presbyterians, not only don't pray the rosary, but also discourage the practice because...
Did Jesus Exist or Is It All a Myth? Is There Any Historical Proof for the Existence of Jesus? Atheists in the Pulpit: Clergy Who Are Non-Believers How Zoroastrianism Shaped the Judeo-Christian Concept of God
Since enslaved people could not practice their religion openly, they borrowed many elements from Catholicism to protect their own spiritual practice. This process, known as syncretization, strongly influenced Voodoo in Haiti: The names of Catholic saints became the names of loa. In many cases, ...
t like politics as a matter of course and cared even less for the political drift of modern Protestantism. My first real exposure to an institutional church would come later, through my father’s large pentecostal congregation in southwestern Ohio. But I knew a few things about Catholicism well...
There is no warrant in Catholicism for ‘papalotry’. Who cares whether the pope or the anti-pope wears a weird hat or not. Again, please familiarize yourself with the dogmatic teaching of the Church. Namely Vatican I (binding on all Catholics) this deals with dogmatic definitions on the ...
Perhaps you should try Traditional Catholicism for a rude awakening. You may even want to take the Traditional life and enjoy the peace God grants through it. Reply Tyler Lefebvre March 1, 2021 at 9:40 am Andrew Angelo, I think you misread Dr. Williams. Reply Andrew Angelo March...