Best-selling author Dutch Sheets takes a fresh look at a very specific kind of prayer that concerns nearly every Christian: how to pray for the salvation of our friends and families. Dutch begins by examining several strategic biblical principles for effectively interceding for the unsaved. He ...
How To Pray- R. A. Torrey- the importance & method of prayer- Pray, pray, pray. All energy & all heart into prayer. I must pray.
In my own personal opinion – I believe that learning how to Plead the Blood of Jesus will give you one of the most powerful, if not the most powerful form of offensive prayer that you can use for any kind of deliverance and/or protection that you may need from the Lord. This form o...
But God came through for me this year, around February, I started going to Church. In my sister church they had a program for women praying for the fruit of the womb and I followed her to her church, while praying, the pastor came to me and said “Sister who did this to you?” ...
When Jesus comes back to set up His 1000 year Millennium Kingdom, God will be taking out Satan, all of his demonic spirits, and all the bad and unsaved people who have ever lived on this earth. All the bad apples – angelic and human – will be forever banished from the eternal schem...
What I am saying to you is this: Your doctrine, no matter how reasonable and theologically correct you may believe it is, will not make a dent in the demonic psychosis that prevails among the saved and unsaved. At this point, only God manifest through you will penetrate into their hearts...
It’s important to pray for the other two ideas FIRST because we simply cannot change anyone. Only God can. Andour focus shouldn’t be on changing THEM (or the situation), but changing US. After our hearts are aligned with that, we CAN and SHOULD pray that God help our husbands become...
Once you’ve been adopted into God’s family, He will begin to speak to you and, if you will listen, He will begin to open the secrets of life to you through His Holy Word! We pray that, if you haven’t already, you will choose to join God’s family! You’ll never regret it...
etc. People can believe that because they Teach Sunday School, or are even a Worldwide well known Preacher, Teacher, Priest, the Pope, Reverend, Bishop, or Pastor— that they are positive they are saved. The list goes on and on. Read SO4J’sTop 10 Ways That Unsaved People Think They’...
That’s why I love to pray for the Holy Spirit to just come alive inside of me, speak through me, live through me, give me the words to say and the actions to do, as well as praying for the Holy Spirit to convict those that I may be speaking to and lead t...