The alternative to a universal ID is a shared ID solution where a user’s unique data is shared between a smaller group of platforms. For example, sharing first-party cookies between a brand and Google or between a brand and a few small media platforms. This is a good option for those ...
Understanding How to Pray Effectively. Accurate, Biblical Explanation of What Effective Prayer is and How to Master It
Emma, a high-school student from Edgewater, Indiana, has just come out of the closet. All she wants is to take her girlfriend to prom. But thanks to the small minds in the small town, intolerance seems to be standing in the way. Can these failed stars make matters right? 5) Best y...
How To Pray- R. A. Torrey- the importance & method of prayer- Pray, pray, pray. All energy & all heart into prayer. I must pray.
Ministry tips, how to’s, and helps for pastors, ministers, and small group leaders as shared by Pastor Maston Jackson.
Had I known that to leave him meant I would lose my only local family, I probably would have stayed for the sake of the grandchildren. It’s that old programming baby boomer women still struggle with. If something isn’t working, you try harder. Marital problems? Pray more, love more,...
The Power of Letting Go: How to drop everything that’s holding you backon Amazon You Can’t Rely on Your Children for Your Happiness We may have looked ahead to our golden years and seen ourselves surrounded by loving grandchildren. This neglects another fundamental truth: People change. If...
Dedicated to Emperor Meiji and his empress, it is an important place for Japanese people to pray for luck. This shrine is also a popular spot for traditional Japanese weddings. If you're lucky, you may get to witness one. You are recommended to visit in the morning for fewer crowds and...
unable to come because of illness, I would take other members to the sick member's home for a temporary meeting, and also visit the sick member and pray for them. After every Spring Festival, we would take turns going to the home of each group member for several weeks of gathering ...
"I'm gonna say something so scary," she prefaced. "I'm always going to make music, I'm always going to go on stage, I'm always going to do pop stuff, I pinky promise. But I don't think doing it at the rate I've been doing it for the past 10 years is where I ...