I read a short book recently that has had a profound impact on my desire to pray. And by following the simple teachings of this book, I have seen an increase in how much time I pray and how much joy I have while praying. The book is entitled Praying the Bible, by Donald Whitney. ...
If you’re trying to encourage your spouse to pray with you, make sure not to be too preachy. It might make them feel criticized and push them further away from praying. You may ask them nicely to join you and if they don’t listen to you, pray to God to change their heart instea...
Scriptural Basis Bible Verse:1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 encourages believers to “Rejoice always,pray without ceasing,give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you,” reminding us of the importance of gratitude in every situation. To start a prayer of tha...
How To Pray -First of all, I ask you to pray for everyone. Ask God to help and bless them all, and tell God how thankful you are for each of them.
I love this verse. It’s full of hope. The delight I feel when I’m in His presence bathes my soul with the joy of the Lord and brings an overwhelming transformation to my spirit. To worship the Father takes me into another realm of emotional joy and into His throne room of prayer....
How To Pray- R. A. Torrey- the importance & method of prayer- Pray, pray, pray. All energy & all heart into prayer. I must pray.
And so I just responded back,“give me some more, please.”Gotta make sure to tell the robot please. And so then it’s spit out more and these fall into the more “less famous” Bible verse category. Whatever, however you put that. But, but they’re really good as well. ...
How to Understand Bible Stories w/ Rev. Dr. Timothy Coombs Jesus & the Miraculous Catch of Fish in the Bible Jesus Raises Lazarus from the Dead in the Bible Jesus Teaches the Apostles How to Pray in the Bible Jesus Walks on Water in the Bible Jesus' Crucifixion in the Bible Jesus' Resu...
you’re opening yourself up to God’s direction. By asking Him for wisdom, you invite His guidance into your decision-making process. Prayer allows you to listen for His voice, which often comes through a feeling of peace, a Bible verse, or advice from others that aligns with your faith...
to HOW, WHEN, and WHERE to pray. This book is the classic Christian answer to these vital questions. Believing that many prayers are not answered because they are not intelligently offered, Dr. Torrey examines the MOODS, the METHODS and the MEANINGS of prayer. He considers ...