Want to play a practical joke or con on a roommate or friend? Look no further! Make people naked with Photoshop, hack a vending machine, prank a computer, make crank calls or crack a lock. Make fake dog poop cookies, cheat on any test or prank a frien
Prank phone calls are intrusive and troublesome. Not knowing who the person on the other line is, or what number he is calling from stops you from taking action. Often times the only way a telephone company will work to remedy these situations is if you file a formal complaint with the p...
Happy prank-calling, friends. How to know if someone blocked your number Unfortunately, there’s no surefire way to know if someone blocked your number. There are a couple indicators that might suggest your number has been blocked, though. ...
If you're bored and want to annoy a stranger, a friend or even a business owner, then making a prank call may be just the activity you're looking for. As long as you're aware that making prank calls may get you in trouble with the law --...
Read:How to Remove Robokiller from iPhone Block a number on iphone using itunes Apps If you only want to block a number on iphone from known spammers general, prank callers and telemarketers, you can consider to download an app, such asiBlacklist, orSemisilent. But these iphoneappsare ...
Steps on How to Make Your Mobile Phone Number Appear As a Private Number Imagine—you can prank your friends or scare the heck out of them with this trick! If you make your number private, the person you are calling won’t see your real number. ...
I have already shared a way to make free prank calls anyone from any number. Don’t worry about that, you can easily make a fake incoming call on your Android or iPhone device at any time and any situation. With this timed false phone call, you can imagine it’s somebody essential ...
Know the law. It’s illegal(违法的) to prank(恶作剧) call government officials, the police, the fire department, or an ambulance service; you can’tpose as(装作) a fireman, policeman, terrorist, or criminal; you can’t make threats; and you can’t slander(诽谤) a business or product...
most of us will have held on to our mobile phone numbers for many years, there can be some occasions when you need a fresh start. Maybe you have someone annoying you with prank calls, want to leave behind an old relationship or have just decided that a new number would be a good ...
I don’t know about you maybe you have received such call you have been wondering if it is possible to call someone and hide your number, the answer to your question is yes, you can do that on MTN. If you also want to make a call and then hide your number to prank your friends ...