An employee performance evaluationis a process rather than an event. It involves setting clear expectations for the employee, making sure that she has what she needs to meet those expectations and providing consistent feedback. When employee evaluation is done correctly, there shouldn't be any big...
How could this employee improve in your eyes? You’re fishing for specific examples that you can reference in the performance review. Your employees won’t know what to do with vague feedback like “You don’t communicate professionally.” But when they encounter something like “Avoid using ...
When your employees do something that exceeds your expectations or they take a few minutes out of their day to help someone else out, they should be recognized for it.Employee appreciationpositively impacts retention. A little bit of praise goes a long way, and vocalizing someone’s good deeds...
By understanding the needs, organizations can create incentive plans to inspire action and align employee satisfaction with the company’s goals. Done successfully, it’s a win-win.The importance of motivation in the workplace cannot be understated....
You can earn the respect of employees by rewarding them for their accomplishments. Find out how each employee likes to be recognized, whether it’s public praise or a private congratulations. Rewarding employees in the way they wish to be recognized demonstrates you care for them and creates a...
for enterprises to improve their work efficiency and enhance their competitiveness. From the employee's point of view, their own development and progress has become an important indicator of their quality of work life. An enterprise has more ...
Diagram correlation between recognition and employee engagement However, knowing you should give praise, and actually doing it are two different things. Not only do you need to build the regular habit, but you also need to mix it up. Saying the same thing over and over to your team will lo...
Financial pressures and belt tightening can put managers – and the entire employee review process – in a tough spot, particularly if cash is short for boosting high performers’ compensation. That makes clear and consistent communication critical. Motivating your employees to buy into the broader ...
Recognizing employees for a job well done is essential to a positive company culture. And peer-to-peer employee recognition is just as important as praise from upper management. When you express gratitude, employees feel valued, and you boost employee morale. ...
United States ossington Industrial Company has proposed a "golden rule": take care of your customers, take care of your employees, then the market will take more care of you. "The customer" is the company's external customers, "employee" is the enterprise's internal customers, both inside ...