So why don’t we see a health professional when we feel emotional pain: guilt, loss, loneliness? Too many of us deal with common psychological-health issues on our own, says Guy Winch. But we don’t have to. He makes a compelling case to practice emotional hygiene — taking care of ...
Handy TED Talks for when you (or a loved one) need help recovering from an emotional hit. Watch now Add to listTED is supported by ads and partners 17:14 Guy Winch Why we all need to practice emotional first aid 17 minutes 14 seconds 16:38 Susan David The gift and power of emotion...
9) Journal to get the negative thoughts out of your head When we’re overthinking, it’s usually about something negative. We don’t ruminate about positive thoughts. According to Dr. Guy Winch, a psychologist and author ofEmotional First Aid: Healing Rejection, Guilt, Failure, and Other Eve...
(2015). Is popularity in our DNA?. The Psychology of Popularity. ↑ ↑ More References (9)...