You’ve got your materials together and you know how to handle dry ice… let’s have some fun! Dump your (ground up) cannabis and dry ice into the 5-gallon bucket. Take the size 73 hash/bubble/pollen bag and fit it over the opening of the bucket, then shake and swirl the bucket ...
Pour enough of the grout powder into a 5-gallon bucket to make a batch. It's best to make small batches to ensure the grout doesn't harden before you have a chance to spread it. About 3 to 4 inches in the bottom of a 5-gallon bucket is usually enough. Check the manufacturer's i...
" says Richter. "And trays can also be a good way to work faster if you have more than one person painting." For bigger jobs, he recommends using a roller screen combined with the 5-gallon bucket for an even more efficient system
Garden tools:Tap to remove dirt clumps, wipe clean with a cloth, and follow with a gentle exfoliation treatment: Fill a 5-gallon bucket with builder's sand (sold at hardware stores), then pour in 3 cups of mineral oil to make the sand damp. Insert the metal blades or tines of tools,...
Hand Mixer or Drill: A hand-mixer (like you would use for cakes) with beaters attached, or a hand drill with a paint mixer attached A portable mini washing machine to be your hash-washing machine. For the cleanest extraction, separately get a 5-gallon 220 micron bubble zipper bag to hol...
(not so common anymore in this age of digital printing) or a little tin. The proportions are given above on the right. Another way to add a small amount of harness is to drop the bullets from the bullet mold into cold water. Some guys use a 5-gallon bucket, but I’ve ...
Open the cans and mix them together in one big 5 gallon bucket. If your estimates of how much paint you need are between cans, round up. You can always pour it back into the can. For big paint job, always use the bucket and a screen for the roller instead of a tray. It’s just...
Once you open the bucket, you can pour off the clean spirits into a fresh bucket and leave the “slop” at the bottom. Voilà! You have almost an entire gallon of free mineral spirits! This batch of spirits will not be as clean and fresh as the ones that come out of a fresh can,...
A 2-gallon (or bigger) bucket Abig, sturdy push broom Ahand-held scrubber(to get under railings and in cracks) To clean the deck with this quick method, I just mixed1 cup of OxiClean (powder) into 1 gallon of water. Pour a little bit of the mixture onto your deck in sections an...
1 gallon of warm water 1 cup of dish soap (without bleach, oils, or moisturizers) (optional) 5-10 drops of essential oil or lemon juice Note: To reduce the smell from rubber flooring off-gassing, you may need to mop the floor with soapy water a few times and let the room air out...