When it comes to blemishes, my rule of thumb is to remove anything that is temporary. Pimples, scratches, stray hairs – if it’s going to be gone from his face in a couple of weeks, I’ll remove it from his face in the post-processing stage. But unless the client spec...
quick 10 minutes before you catch the train – this is the kind of thing you need to set a couple of hours aside for. Ideally, you want to be home alone (you’ll want to moan loudly) and you’ll want to have 1-2 hours of time without any distractions. If you can plan for 2+...
Not to get all blunt on you, but the sensation of something moving around in your butt feels a lot like having a bowl movement. During anal sex—especially the first time–it becomes hard to tell if you are or aren’t pooping. Don't worry: It probably won't happen. For peace of ...
QUICK RECOMMENDATION:We recently started training our puppies to alert us when they have to go potty by using a potty-training doorbell called theSmart Bell. It requires a little bit of training, but it’s a good alternative to your dog scratching up the backdoor. Derby taking a “break”...
some quick math, converting it into a percentage of the annual total of 51 billion tons. To me, this makes more sense than the other comparisons you often see, like “this many tons is equivalent to taking one car off the road.” Who knows how many cars are on the road to begin ...
A quick, lazy step off of the back patio steps with a tiny tinkle is truly not the same thing and could result in a pup who reallydoeshave to eliminate again at 2 am. Note: A puppy with a urinary tract infection or diarrhea obviously can’t hold it. Also, a pup who is awake and...
But, a quick fact-check: it’s not. “I don’t want people to douche. I want people to [consume] fiber and probiotics, and understand that the [anal] canal itself usually doesn’t have stool in there,” says Goldstein. If you’re really concerned about cleanliness, he suggests using...
My dad once told me that if a bird poops on your head, you get good luck.That happened to me twice in one day when I was 7 at the zoo, and 15 mins later I found TWO shiny quarters on a stump! I’ve believed in it ever since. ...
Immediately spray at the point of contact that your pet (cat, dog, varmint) got hit with our home remedy. The key is get your pet showered as fast as could be expected under the circumstances. If unfortunate if it’s yourself that has been skunked, so get to the shower as quick as ...
You may start out with a 20-pound dumbbell, but adding 5 pounds each workout may lead to a quick stall out. Contrast that with a barbell squat with the same guidelines: add weight each time and perform 4 sets of 6 reps. You’d very likely be able to add 5 pounds each workout for...