It might seem strange to say that living in a van is a great way to meet people and experience community, but it’s true. There are tons of interesting people who choose this lifestyle, and when you meet another vanlifer you’ve probably met a like-minded person who instantly understands...
Want to play a practical joke or con on a roommate or friend? Look no further! Make people naked with Photoshop, hack a vending machine, prank a computer, make crank calls or crack a lock. Make fake dog poop cookies, cheat on any test or prank a frien
This might sound silly, but make time to poop every day. In our busy world, we often race around first thing in the morning and don’t stop to allow our body to do what it needs to do. Create a morning ritual that includes sitting on the pot 15 minutes. For many of us, it will...
to instantly mark the event … and give her a food reward. This teaches your puppy that peeing outside is the right thing to do and builds good habits. I also start introducing some vocabulary here. As I feed her treats for the desired outcome, I softly say, “good girl, good potty ...
almost impossible to place where the source is located. Soon your room or office is a disheveled mess, and any passerby would instantly recognize the crazed look on your face. The sharknado passed through here, and the murder scene is evident. It will driveeveryonecrazy. Searching and waiting...
If it starts to smell nasty (of poop) then it’s gone off, and you must throw it away and start again. After six days, I was ready to make the bread. There was a lot of goo and sticky involved, and a good muscle workout in the kneading bit. It also took hours, as a sour ...
Use a mix of store-bought decorations and DIY crafts to make your space feel unique. Hang fake cobwebs in doorways and over furniture for an instantly eerie feel. If you have the time, crafting your decorations can be a fun project to do with your kids ahead of the party. Try making ...
Whatever you want to call it -- worm castings, tailings, solids, grit, dirt, humus, black gold, or even the "latter end of the digestive cycle," it's all one thing: worm poop. The special thing about worm poop is that it's highly concentrated into some of the most nutrient-packed...
Submerging a dog in water is not the only way to care for them. Brushing teeth, vet visits, cleaning of anal glands by professionals are all part of animal care. My little dog is almost 13 and has had 2 baths her entire life! Once when she rolled in rabbit poop and once when my ...
How to Make 30 Dollars Fast: 13 Ways to Get $30 Instantly Need to make $30 fast? Whether you're short on cash for gas, groceries, or just want some extra spending money, there are plenty of quick and easy ...- Continue -