Learn more about what happens during a colonoscopy, how to prepare for it, and how you’ll feel afterward.
Make sure you arrange for a driver to bring you home after the colonoscopy. Because you receive sedating medication during the procedure, it is unsafe for you to drive or operate machinery for 8 hours after the procedure. Let your driver know you’ll be ready to go home 2 to 3 hours a...
Telling people they should squat to poop is supposed to be "the greatest medical breakthrough of all times"? I still think that the discovery of microbial transmission of disease, the development of immunization, the discovery of penicillin, and a nearly complete elimination of smallpox and ...
Thanks! I have been hoping to run into something like this since my colonoscopy. I can’t wait to read up on the liquid “diet”. I would love to implement it in my life. Reply Rhiannon on January 25th, 2024 - 1:02am Thank you! I did a sea salt water cleanse every other Sat...
My doctor told me after I got a colonoscopy this summer, he told me that I'd be on these pills for $300 a month for the rest of my life. And he told me, he sat me down and he was like, "This will be your pill. You'll be taking six pills every single day for the rest ...
I really like the two shows that I see you put on but what if you have constipation due to medication for years. Then had a colonoscopy and now go to the bathroom once a week or once every two weeks and it’s always thin and fluffy looking.The doctor said there’s no bacteria, but...
4. Prior to Sigmoidoscopy/Colonoscopy Enema is used for cleansing the lower segments of gastrointestinal tract before the endoscopic examination like sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy. Other than the above listed uses, enemas are sometimes misused for variety of other purposes. Such misuse of enema is ris...
And typically, I might be doing a screening colonoscopy in somebody who’s 60, for example. And if they’re born in the U.S., usually the list of medication is startling. They’re on an anti-depressant, plus an anti-anxiety medication, plus they’re taking aspirin pro...
blood tests– to measure things like kidney function to see how severe your diarrhea is poop (stool) analysis– to check if a parasite or infection is the cause sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy– a tube with a camera is put into your bottom to look inside the lower part of your large bowel ...
The purge process may still be happening as you head to your appointment. If you’re worried about having an accident, consider wearing adult diapers and pack extra clothes. What does colonoscopy prep poop look like? If you have completed the process appropriately and it has worked effectively,...