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The folding time courses reported in the literature allow us to roughly estimate how long it takes for the subpopulation of soluble, misfolded states to fold and function. Applying to the experimental time courses a double exponential fit, representing folding to the native state through two paralle...
Missing data in covariates can result in biased estimates and loss of power to detect associations. It can also lead to other challenges in time-to-event analyses including the handling of time-varying effects of covariates, selection of covariates and their flexible modelling. This review aims to...
These data are used to map the distribution of fines in the seabed of the DCZ at unique spatiotemporal scales. For the entire Dutch coastal zone, the distribution of fines generally agrees well with previous studies. The recent extension of the Port of Rotterdam, the Maasvlakte 2 reclamation,...
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(PLS-SEM), we evaluated multiscale effects of vegetation landscape structure of UGS on residents’ perceptions of CES in 40 residential communities in Zhengzhou city, China. According to our results, at the micro-scale level in a single residential community, public activity spaces within green ...
On the other hand, a flattened slope may indicate less sensitivity of the building’s electricity EUI to occupancy count, such as in the case of a library or church. The plot also shows and compares the average baseload per building archetype, where the lowest, median and highest are ...
(proportional hazard assumption). We investigated the validity of this assumption for SIPI using Schoenfeld residuals, and it was not tenable. To overcome this issue, the hazard ratio (HR) of SIPI (≥50 vs. <50) was estimated separately within two-time intervals: until and after the 10th ...