a view can draw 3d or 2d shape. Using maths or a graphics package it is possible to project 3D into a 2D space (some users have done this already to draw 3d mesh on a Fyne canvas). But perhaps you are talking about 3D acceleration or using an OpenGL API? It is not clear from th...
Mathematica allows you to control font sizes of text, math, and graphics for clarity, compactness, or personal preference. Learn more in this "How to" screencast. Includes Japanese audio. How to Label a Plot (Japanese)1:16 Mathematica provides flexible options for labeling plots, allowing you ...
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I have a 3-column matrix attached, and I am trying to make a density plot of it. The first column is the x coordinates, the second column is the y coordinates, and the third column is the corresponding intensity at (x,y). Since my intensity range is pret
Export["test.eps",plotA1,"EPS"]; This program crashes (hangs on) on the plotting command, and the following error messages are written to the logout file: mathematica/13.3.1 loaded. Qt issued a fatal error: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialize...
It may not be intuitive to look at the numbers directly, so draw a line chart $ python3 -m pip install -r ../requirements.txt $ python3 plot.py Differences between backends Specific to each hardware, there are subtle differences: NEW may choose a different name vulkan/int4 needs prere...
This creates a graphic in Mathematica and assigns it to a cell. The upper-left corner of this plot appears in cell B3. g = Plot[Sin[a^2], {a, -3, 3}, PlotStyle -> Blue, Frame -> True, ImageSize -> 200]; Excel["B3"] = g Reading from an Excel sheet Data from an Exc...
My plot of frequencies doesn't reach the known frequency, and the peak is off by more than a bin width. If you can help, the goal should be to adjust my expectation or this code so that they match. Side note: I'm not good with Mathematica code shortcuts. freq = 102; t[\[Theta...
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