After a little bit of digging, I could plot the signals on log scale in the wave window, thanks to some new HDL packages and libraries that come installed with the latest ModelSim versions. For the sake of benefit for other users, here is the code to get the values in log scale:...
Log Plot Using thesemilogx()Function in MATLAB If you want to plot the variables on the x-axis of base 10 log scale and y-axis of linear scale. You can use thesemilogx()function. See the below code. a=1:100;b=2*a;lg=semilogx(a,b)grid on axis tight ...
This MATLAB code creates a y-axis log scale plot corresponding to X and Y vectors using thesemilog(X, Y)function. clc; clear; X =1:0.1:3; Y = X.^5; semilogy(X,Y) grid on In the above code, the X and Y axis are of the same length, so thesemilogy()function will create a ...
I have a plot (attached). I want to scale it so that x axis is in [kHz] . I don't only want to scale the axis but also the whole plot, so that it wil show the values present in [kHz]. Thanks in advance. 댓글 수: 0 ...
I need to scale both axis of one 2D graph for export it. I am trying to plot force vs displacement (x), and I am asked to print the plot, following this scale: 1000 N should be 175mm 1m of displacement, should be 135mm
Method 1: Plot Multiple Functions in MATLAB using Sequential Plotting One straightforward approach is to plot each function sequentially using multiple plot() commands, here is an example: x = linspace(-5,5,100);%Define the x-values %Calculate the y-valuesforeachfunction ...
In the above code, we plotted two histograms on the same figure. You can plot as many plots as you like on the same figure, and MATLAB will give them a separate color automatically. You can also give each histogram your desired color. You can also add legends to the histograms using th...
To create the bar chartinsidethe excel file, you will need to use the ActiveX interface to talk to Excel on MS Windows (will not work on Mac or Linux) There are two approaches. One approach is to create a graph at the MATLAB level, and convert the graph to an image, and insert tha...
problem/issue; a 2D line parallel to the x axis with its z height equal to 0 is obscured by the surface and the color map chosen is dark enough to prevent the line from showing through. Making the surface less opaque lets one see where the line is located,...
plot(data.SamplingInstants,data.u) To plot frequency-domain data, you can use the following syntax: semilogx(data.Frequency,abs(data.u)) When you specify to plot a multivariableiddataobject, each input-output combination is displayed one at a time in the same MATLAB Figure window. You must...