Log Plot Using theloglog()Function in MATLAB If you want to plot the variables on a base 10 logarithmic scale on the x-axis and y-axis, you can use theloglog()function. See the below code. a=logspace(0,10);b=3.^a;loglog(a,b)grid on ...
After a little bit of digging, I could plot the signals on log scale in the wave window, thanks to some new HDL packages and libraries that come installed with the latest ModelSim versions. For the sake of benefit for other users, here is the code to get the values in log scale:...
This MATLAB code creates a y-axis log scale plot corresponding to X and Y vectors using thesemilog(X, Y)function. clc; clear; X =1:0.1:3; Y = X.^5; semilogy(X,Y) grid on In the above code, the X and Y axis are of the same length, so thesemilogy()function will create a ...
I have a plot (attached). I want to scale it so that x axis is in [kHz] . I don't only want to scale the axis but also the whole plot, so that it wil show the values present in [kHz]. Thanks in advance. 댓글 수: 0 ...
How to Plot a Histogram in MATLAB To plot ahistogramin MATLAB, you must follow the below-given steps: Step 1: Import or Generate Data Before plotting ahistogram, you must have the data to work with, and MATLAB offers multiple options to import existing data from files or databases. ...
One approach is to create a graph at the MATLAB level, and convert the graph to an image, and insert that image into the excel file.See for an example. You can save the graph created with this interface in an Excel file. This example uses a separate Excel Automation server process for...
The technical computing software MATLAB stores, processes and analyzes data contained in arrays and matrices. After manipulating the data to its final form, plotting the data makes it easier to visualize the data to identify trends and other patterns.
Open in MATLAB Online ThemeCopy plot(x,y, '.') line([0.5 3],[0.5 3]) 1 Comment Parham Babakhani Dehkordi on 13 Apr 2015 these two code lines give me only the bisector. If I want to define data in a range, lets say, +10% and -10% as upper and lower bound of bisector...
Greetings, I'm a beginner in Matlab. My aim is to plot wind vectors in using the m_proj. I can plot the wind vectors using quiver(x,y,u,v), but however, when I use m_quiver, it states incompatible sizes for this operation. Moreover, I would like to plot the wind vectorswithin...
plot(x,y,mn,'MarkerSize',markerSize); You should be able to fill in the rest: nested switches are good for this, you will just have to appropriately define you cases for each switch. Ivy Chen2018년 7월 2일 MATLAB Online에서 열기 ...