Hi, I'm very new in the DnD and I haven't played any campaigns yet. I'm trying to create my first character and after looking through my brother's dnd books, I thought maybe a centaur would be cool. I don't know much about how to play as one and how the campaign would wor...
If you are lucky enough to play in such a game, the species to consider as your frontrunners areChromatic Dragonborn, Aasimar, Half-Elf, Eladrin, Orc, Githyanki, Tiefling,andShadar-Kai. As it just so happens, each of these species lends itself to roleplaying inspiration for an Oathbreake...
DND.Chromesphereoffers extensive independent game play.Created by a very talented DM, this site allows full experience of a campaign. You will still need your own dice to play, but if you don’t have them handy you can find an online D20 generator likethis one. PlayingD&Dalone on apps i...
false claims about what is or is not in there — all of that said, the rules don’t actually tell you what you need to know to play D&D. And no, I don’t mean the whole RPG conversation where the GM describes s$&% and then you decide what your character ...
the right foundation from level 1. Making the right decisions from the very beginning will lead to the strongest possible character, resulting in a powerful Wizard who can dominate encounters. With that in mind, there are a few pointers to think about before even getting into the first session...
The main issue to keep in mind when running this chapter is that level one characters are easily killable. Their low hit dice can abruptly end your adventure; at this stage, one critical roll has the potential to down a first-level wizard. It’s best to get your party up to level two...
In basic terms, the main responsibilities of the DM are to narrate the adventure, control the monsters during combat, roleplay any nonplayer characters (NPCs) that the party might encounter, and help move the story along. There's more to it than that, but we don't want to overwhelm you...
No matter whether you want armor, weaponry, artillery, or even alchemical compounds, there's plenty of options for a DnD Artificer to specialize in. And with access to most of the Wizard class' spellbook, plus healing powers and support spells, the Artificer is a truly versatile build. If ...
Fragile classes like a Wizard or Sorcerer can benefit from a single Fighter level to bolster their defenses with armor and shields along with Constitution saving throw proficiency for maintaining spell Concentration. A single-classed Rogue will struggle to keep up with damage at high level, while...
When a creature rolls a d20 for an attack roll against you, you can spend 1 Luck Point to impose Disadvantage on that roll. Magic Initiate Two Cantrips. You learn two cantrips of your choice from the Cleric, Druid, or Wizard spell list. Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma is your ...