Once you determine that the instrument you are selecting will play at the pitch level of your performance groups you need to check to see if the clarinet will play in tune with itself. The best way to do this is to warm the clarinet up in a room that is between 70 and 72 degrees Fa...
"Come on, Sasha," my father shouted, "Put the book down and get your clarinet(竖笛). We have to leave now if you don t want to miss class." Clarinet class? I thought to myself. 75. Yes, I would like to miss...
Look at the moon! D. I would like to vomit. Rate this question: 8. You're having an argument with a window. It says the rain controls all notebooks, but you think gorillas play the clarinet. Who gets to the rainbow first? A. The mushrooms, because they always win. B. There ...
“My parents had a jazz band. My dad played the clarinet and my mother played the piano. They did gigs when I was still in my mom's womb so I think I came out knowing the entire repertoire that the Dixieland jazz band played. “They never wrote a new song. It was always the same...
Position your tongue correctly in your mouth, let the air flow and let your tongue ride the wind (much like the reed of a woodwind instrument, like a clarinet). Play The Raspberry Method for Rolling Your Rs If the above step-by-step method fails to trill you, you may need to get chi...
The audition consisted of a couple of scales, and excerpts from the music that was going to be performed on the day of the concert. When the day came I sat in front of the judge with my music and clarinet, where my nerves began to rise. Before I began to play my heart began to ...
342 Words 2 Pages Satisfactory Essays Read More College Admissions Essay: How Music Changed My Life In the first grade, I picked up a clarinet. It was my sister’s, collecting dust while waiting for me to play it. From the moment I produced my first sound, an ear-piercing squeal that ...
The biggest instrument, the Moon, acting like violone, giving that bass with dulcet subsubcontra frequencies, whilst the smallest dot, beautiful clarinet, showing-off its highest and cleanest notes, easily beating alone the cleanness of Gregorian chant, being followed by viola, conflating into extr...
In recent years, there has been a huge surge in popularity of the Native American flute. Traditionally, this flute has always been made from wood. Bamboo Sax An end-blown reed flute played in a similar manner to a clarinet or saxophone. It uses a standard saxophone reed and has a very ...
How many clarinet concertos did Mozart write? What musical scale is made up entirely of half steps? What is a musical scale with 3 octaves called? What are all the inversions in musical scale? C Sharp is the same as what note?