VRChatis a fully interactivevirtual realitysocial platform that allows users to create and share virtual worlds. You take on3D avatarmodels and from here, you’re free to do whatever you want. You can either create your own or import character models from various franchises and use them as y...
VRChat EAC Update borked the Game about two weeks ago (mid Feburary 23) 2 years ago Tinker Steps:Switch to older version: 6.3-8 Installs:Yes Opens:No Game wont start, seems to be EAC being the horrible mess that it is. Link to Reddit person who founf out its EACs fault. https:/...
Sound is another big part of Cubism’s design. In the main campaign, each different puzzle piece has an associated piano note. When you solve a puzzle, each of the notes will play together to form a chord. If you combine all the chords from each level together, it forms a song. “Th...