//Youtu.be/HjWbtUBKuUc 发布时间: 2019-03-24 02:00 作者: LazyPurple 简介: https://t.cn/EJLwV9j 英文字幕: http://t.cn/EJUzrPu (应该是LazyPurple提供的) 标签: lazypurple,lazy,purple,specialtag,tf2,how it feels,team fortress 2,sniper,team fortress,how it feels to play,how to,spy...
2258 1 3:55 App 【ShorK】Meet the REAL Sniper 1103 -- 19:23 App 【PlayWithSIN】加强版侦察兵(主玩游击手,暴击可乐) 29 -- 45:03 App eat socks vs. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy - Round 3: TF2 Summer Brawl 2023 12 -- 5:40:54 App 【GX Aura】〔2024-05-11〕YOU CONTROL THE GAME!
If you prefer a sniper role, become proficient with the AWP. This high-powered sniper rifle can deal one-shot kills regardless of the hit location. However, it comes at a higher price and has a slower rate of fire. When using the AWP, adopt a defensive playstyle, hold angles, and uti...
Scout may be fast, but he can’t do the heavy lifting. Why not call your team to the base and have the dress as other characters likeSpy,Medic, Demoman, Engineer,Heavy, Sniper,Pyro, Soldier orScout’s Mom. TF2 Scout Costume Tips & FAQs ...
Make them understand that the game was made for educational purposes, not furry roleplays. Total Drama Stop all the shipping wars. World of Warcraft Get rid of all the whiny idiots. Make them stop complaining about every change the developers make to the game, regardless of whether or not ...
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在线看TF2: How to break MediGun [FUN] 1分钟 42秒。2016 3月 1的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册! 100 — 已浏览。 14 — 已评价。
For the most part, I do not recommend installing any game-play mods. Aside from the massive headaches and maintenance issues with outdated mods breaking servers (especially after game updates), Valve put a lot of thought in to TF2 game pacing and balance, and judging by their wild success ...
【NISLT】TF2: How to be braveheart 00:38 【NISLT】TF2: How to camp on roof 00:49 【NISLT】TF2: How to survive airblast 00:43 【NISLT】TF2: How to use the dead ringer 00:32 【NISLT】TF2: How to chase a sniper 00:48 【NISLT】TF2: How not to pass 00:37 【NISLT】TF2...
35 -- 0:36 App 【NISLT】TF2: How to cross the border 59 -- 0:45 App 【NISLT】TF2: How to win sniper duel at start of round 39 -- 0:46 App 【NISLT】TF2: How To Abuse Glitches #2 29 -- 0:44 App 【NISLT】TF2: How to hold the first point in highlander game 24 -...