Even guitar greats likeJimi HendrixandEric Claptonbegan their guitar journey plucking a few simple notes. Playing single notes will help you build strength and dexterity in your fingers before you move on to learning chords. Needless to say, you should learn how to play notes as you continue y...
In today’s lesson, we’ll be taking one element of rhythm on the guitar – 16th notes – and exploring it thoroughly so that it becomes part of your rhythmic vocabulary. You will be able to recognize 16th notes, count them easily, and play them on your guitar. What are 16thnotes? A...
Well we’re going to change all that today. In this lesson, I’m going to show you the guitar chord you should learn first: E minor. Spend some time learning the correct way to play this chord, and then practice a little bit each day; before you know it, you’ll be transformed fr...
The capois a guitarist's best friend when it comes to transposing music on the fly. By clamping down on the guitar's neck, it effectively moves the nut, raising the pitch of open strings, which in turn allows you to play chord shapes in new tonal territories. Using a capo isn't ...
The difference on this version is you've moved your ring finger from the 1st string to the 2nd and added your pinky. Many guitarists prefer to use this version instead of the original one above because you don't have to move your ring finger quite as much when shifting to a C Major ...
Chapter 1: Things to Keep in Mind If you’re still not sure if the guitar is the right instrument for you, let us remind you of some potential reasons why learning the guitar might be beneficial to you. 1.1. Benefits of Learning How To Play the Guitar – 7 Reasons ...
Really basic beginner instructions usually start with learning the anatomy of the guitar with basic terms such as strings,neck,body,bridge,frets and fretboard.From there,guitar newbies are introduced to how each string sounds with the highest and lowest notes on either side of the fretboard.The ...
The guitar teacher(吉他老师)Drew is teaching Josh how to play the guitar. Drew is a volunteerwith an organization called Reach Out.The volunteers from ReachOut teach skills to teenagers.Drew works in a bank during the day and he plays in a rock bandforfun. He can play the guitar very we...
Countless aspiring guitarists, both young and old, dream of playing theirfavorite songs on the guitar. Whether you’re looking to play for your own pleasure or you have your sights set on the big stage, it’s never too late to start playing. The fact that you’ve come here shows that...
How to Play Guitar by Welcome to GuitarOrb.com. The site is an ever growing collection of resources that I think will be of value to the aspiring guitarist. Check out the lessons on the various scales you can use as well as the growing collection of resources relating to music theory, ...