VoiceMeeter Potato is donationware created by VB-Audio. It functions as a virtual audio mixer that allows you to control every aspect of your PC’s audio.
Once you have your topic narrowed down, it helps to add a spin to it. Maybe you talk about bluegrass music and culturewhilesipping moonshine with your co-hosts. It’s kind of true that everything has been done before, but it hasn’t all been done the wayyouwould do it. Find an ang...
Skype isn't connecting to the second one in this illustration, the line is just going through there because of the space. Just make sure you adjust the second XLR's knobs the same as the first XLR, if you want Skype to hear both of you. If recording into your computer, the ...
There are tons of podcasts currently streaming. Take a look through anypodcast libraryand you’ll find one on any given topic. Some podcasters choose a broad topic, such as music. Whereas you can go further into the topic and choose a niche such as bluegrass music. The key is to choose ...