The final game was a definite misstep by IMT. To the surprise of nearly everyone in the stadium, and fans who watched online, IMT decided not to ban out Nidalee, and instead moved to ban out the Kalista in the second phase of the game. Although I generally do not try to point to ...
Drafting is something we can always improve on. I think every single team in the world can improve on drafting. Being willing to play certain champions, leave others open, that kind of stuff. For example, we are perma-banning Kalista ever since she showed up. That...
The worlds play-in stage offered a more concise look at how a worlds meta evolves. The play-in stage was where Jungle Ezreal had his short time in the spotlight and also where teams were figuring out what they wanted to play in the bottom lane, especially with Kalista banned more than ...
Chovy isn’t doing much ㄴ Top, jungle, and support are roaming mid continuously. What’s he supposed to do? ???: Our strategy is to stall the game until midnight ㄴ And Chovy of midnight takes over Remember when Ghost carried this game? ㄴ What up with...
Twitchprobuild is best suited tocounter Sivir, tocounter Smolderor tocounter Kalistaon the opposing team. With Twitchand the availableprobuilds, it is possible to minimize their strengths and exploit their weaknesses. On the other hand,
Kai'Saprobuild is best suited tocounter Kalista, tocounter Twitchor tocounter Ezrealon the opposing team. With Kai'Saand the availableprobuilds, it is possible to minimize their strengths and exploit their weaknesses. On the other hand, ...
t popularized in other regions, so it stood out a lot. Korean and Chinese players are known to use Cultist decks a lot. It’s a strategy where you all-in at stage 3-2, get six cultists, and if you get 2-star Kalista, it almost guarantees a 3rd to 5th place finish, ...
Apheliosprobuild is best suited tocounter Kalista, tocounter Zerior tocounter Kai'Saon the opposing team. With Apheliosand the availableprobuilds, it is possible to minimize their strengths and exploit their weaknesses. On the other hand, ...
AKog'Mawprobuild is best suited tocounter Aphelios, tocounter Kalistaor tocounter Twitchon the opposing team. WithKog'Mawand the availableprobuilds, it is possible to minimize their strengths and exploit their weaknesses. On the other hand,Ziggs,LucianorJhinlead to desperation forKog'Mawplayers....
Vayne Probuilds for Patch from Pro players. Vayne is mostly played on position Adc / Top. Find your winning Vayne Pro Builds. Q W E R Marksman 5/9 Win/Loss <1% Pick Rate 1% Ban Rate Won Victory 11 hours ago 18:40 min 12