重置版可以帮助优秀游戏出现在公众的视野之中,玩家们还可以在等待新作发售期间先行体验原作。 Gearbox 正准备在今年 3 月推出玩家们期待已久的《Homeworld 3》,但早在 2015 年发布的《Homeworld Remastered Collection》已经将这个经典即时战略游戏系列介绍给了整整一代从未玩过它们的玩家,并因此而受到评论家们的赞誉。
A new trailer has been craftedCyberpunk 2077, which CD Projekt RED has in a safe somewhere. According to the brain matter behind theCyberpunkTabletop RPG, Mike Pondsmith, some meaty new footage is on the way. Whether it will include gameplay or not is unclear, but according to him, it w...