In case you don't have them, go to Steam and install those now. This may take a moment. Once you have them, you can go on with your mod. I'm assuming you came here because you already made some maps and want to have your own menu and whatnot... but just in case. You need ...
220 for hl2:deathmatch 320 Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote Sockman111 - Aug 20 2015 - 71 comments I need help!!! whenever I run my mod, It shows a white screen while playing the valve intro music, then crashes if I try to skip or if I sit through the intro. Reply...
Now, I’m fully aware that there are more games for the Mac than just those awesome Half-Life games. For those you might want to consider, and even for Half-Life 2, the use of a so called JoyStick Mapper application that map a joystick action to mouse or keyboard inputs. These...
Related extensions:A newer, updated version of the SAV format has been made to be used by the newer versions of the software: ZSAV. How to open SAV files You need a suitable software likeSPSSto open a SAV file. Without proper software you will receive a Windows message "How do you wan...
I used to play HalfLife at least 10 hours a week, until I’ve played almost each and every SP map and mod I could get my hands on. Like PP i’m an mediocre player and have to safe a lot and go about a level very carefully, therefor taking more time to finish it. Until I ge...
I remember once getting a Playstation 2 to play Half-Life on, and I completed the game on it, big baby and all. The controls took some getting used to, I must say. More recently, I had a Wintendo machine that I played HL1 and HL2 on. But it's now broken, though I sc...
–At no point did the DE people “lock down” prices, it was merely the popular assumption (and make no mistake, I assumed this as well) that it was going to be free to play. I’m just left to scratch my head, because he’s clearly seeing what he wants to see and not what’s...
It's nowhere to be found (for Mac, anyways.) I'm pleased to say that's not exactly true; I also finished my purchased HL2 + Episode 1 + Episode 2 and wanted more! - Looking at the time still remaining for Episode 3 (For PC) I thought I'd buy all the HL1 iterations ...
This switches the verdict a tiny bit, which I’m going to summarize in the next section. Which font loading strategy to use? If you use a cloud-hosted provider: Use font-display: swap if the host provides it. Otherwise, use FOUT with class If you host your web fonts, you have a ...
was a demo ofUnreal Tournamentand that was, as theFresh Prince of Bel Airlikes to say, howmy life got flipped, turned upside down. The intro was amazing and I can still recall the music and fly through. So, it goes without saying that this was a LOT easier to play than that stupid...