ChordBuddy makes it possible to pick up a guitar and start playing songs instantly. SHOP NOW Learning with ChordBuddy is easy, fun, and addictive! You just found the easiest way tolearn to play guitar– ChordBuddy! This innovativeguitar learning methodwas featured on the Hit TV show “Shark...
Now, you can hold the pick with your middle finger and thumb (i.e. without your index finger) if you prefer. Some guitarists like Eddie Van Halen do this exceptionally well. As far as how to hold the pick, the pick should be held close to the tip (notatthe tip). Although you ca...
As a guitar beginner, you’ll be able to play your first songs relatively quickly. And of course, playing gets easier with time. Reason #2: You can play it anywhere The guitar is a popular instrument to learn because it’s very convenient – you can easily carry it around and play it...
It might sound like a no-brainer, but for beginning guitarists, the correct way to hold a guitar pick is one of the most important things to learn. You’d be surprised at the way improper technique can impede your musical journey. A grip that’s too tight can cause cramping, while one...
You can also play sitting down with an electric guitar, but some guitarists prefer to play standing up. In this case, you need a guitar strap. Hold the guitar so that the thickest string (the low E string) is closest to you when looking down. The hand holding the guitar neck is know...
Pick a space where you can practice Next, it is important to pick a space where you can learn to play the guitar undisturbed. Make sure the environment is comfortable and that you have a good chair to sit on. If you live with several people in the same house, it can be useful to ...
guitarists. While chords are important, it’s a lot more fun to see what those chords can do when arranged in different ways. With just a few minutes and a few chords, you can begin playing a complete song—from start to finish. Ready to pick up some new tricks and learn more songs...
By kelvis97 Mar 8, 2016 Electric Guitar WonderHowTo Sleepy John Estes is known as one of the masters of Delta Blues, so when learning to play the blues, he's a good place to start with. In this video lesson, see how to play the song "Somday Baby" by Estes on your blues guita...
The Bm guitar chord, often known as the B minor chord, is a unique sound that many guitarists aim to master. For beginners, this chord can seem a bit tricky. It’s like learning a new word in a language; at first, it might feel unfamiliar, but with practice, it becomes a natural...