It's something he talked about in this 1984 Golf Digest article,which you can check out right here. "I was doing an outing in Jamaica, and it seemed a good time to work on my swing," he writes. "Two problems had crept up on me: My stance had become too wide and my swing tempo...
knuckles in the left hand, and the logo of your glove. I'm going to give you some points that you can check to start being able to control your ball flight and start being able to hit shots that you didn't really think that you were able to do, just by learning how to train ...
2. Don't guess -- try before you buy:If you're an absolute beginner looking to buy clubs, go to a larger golf shop or driving range and ask to try a 6-iron with a regular-flex and a stiff-flex shaft. (Generally, the faster and more aggressive the swing, the more you will pref...
This video golf lesson features Brad Worthington explaining the benefits of using a 6-iron on long bunker shots. When confronted with this type of shot, most golfers tend to use a pitching wedge to try to pick the ball off the sand, which has many possibilities for hitting the ball either...
Never set your iron flat on the ground, here's why! #shorts How does your iron golf club sit on the ground at address? Many golfers set the soul of the golf [Tips] 279 views 25 comments What Nobody Tells You About Pitching Onto The Green If you struggle with chip shots and pi...
Very good introduction to golf. Even some useful tips for more seasoned players. Jonathan Millen Simple to follow format with information that is easily grasped. Ben C. Excellent golf plan for a beginner golfer. :grinning: Sue D. A nice overview for a first timer on the course. ...
Do you struggle to play good golf in windy conditions? If so, Titleist staff member Justin Parsons is here to help... New 6 min Wedge Game At Home How to Use Ground Reaction Forces in Chipping Towards the Target, Back and Up. This is how the best players in the world move whe...
It is critical for your divots to start after the front of the ball for crisp iron shots and consistency, and you need shaft lean in order to do this. SHAFT LEAN - THE KEY TO GOOD DIVOTS If you want to take a golf divot in front of the golf ball, it is critical that you have ...
If you are allowed to drop 10 shots in a round it is probably a good idea to play for a 5 on a very tough par 4 if it takes a big score out of the equation. Other times tough holes simply require you to stand up and deliver a great shot, in this case, we’ll make sure we...
Rory McIlroy's Marvelous Golf Shots 2016 Masters Tournament at Augusta from 1 Step to Better Golf Watch more videos featuring golf instruction tips, beautiful women golfers, golf music videos, and funny golf bloopers from the PGA Tour, LPGA Tour, European...