{"__typename":"ForumTopicMessage","subject":"C&C Generals and Zero Hour problems on Windows 11","conversation":{"__ref":"Conversation:conversation:7303683"},"id":"message:7303683","revisionNum":1,"uid":7303683,"depth":0,"board":{"__ref":"Forum:board:command-and-conquer-franchise-en...
How do I use the mouse and keyboard to control the soldiers, vehicles, building buildings, and so on? Please advise me. I looked everywhere, including the printout from the rules and I can't make heads or tails. Everything I seem to try does not work. If I can't play...
They're actually trying to calm me down. In the process, he takes out his Glock, he pops the clip, he hands it to me to play with. Abdullah comes in, he's the Canadian that speaks English, he sits down and we just started hanging out and they're like throwing all these ...