Play Reload, OG or Lego Fortnite for passive XP once the BR XP dries up. The rate of passive XP gained while playing the various modes is not extremely fast--with passive XP and accolade XP, you can expect to gain two or more levels per hour just from playing whatever part of Fort...
To find theFortniteFestival season four battle pass, navigate to the top of your home screen to find theFortnitePass button. You must play and complete the Festival Quests to earn Festival Points, helping you progress through the battle pass. So you can play Main Stage, Jam Stage, and the...
Go AFK in LEGO Fortnite and Festival Jam Stage Epic Games While it isn’t advised to do this, going away from keyboard (AFK) in aLEGO FortniteSurvival world or a Jam Stage session can really help you rack up on that playtime XP for both modes. Since they’re not vanilla Fortnite m...
A good strategy is to camp the vault and wait for them to make an exit before opening fire. Using an EvoChrome burst rifle is ideal for this strategy. Alternatively, players can even rush their opponents inside the vault using an EvoChrome shotgun. Without much room to maneuver, they wi...
gaming consoles, where artists are welcome to play fortnite. the label's head of a&r, zeke hirschberg, is only 25, a fact that seems like a liability but is in reality a secret weapon for an organization hoping to secure deals by courting fickle young people in the first flushes of ...
To redeem the skin, players have to go to and login using their Epic Games account. After that everything is pretty self-explanatory on the website. Players need to then enter the redeem code from the issue and press the 'redeem' button. Once they have completed this...
Go AFK in LEGO Fortnite and Festival Jam Stage Epic Games While it isn’t advised to do this, going away from keyboard (AFK) in aLEGO FortniteSurvival world or a Jam Stage session can really help you rack up on that playtime XP for both modes. Since they’re not vanilla Fortnite ...