From my understanding you wanted it to input them automatically as you type, so i'm assuming the handler of the TextChanged event in a TextBox. It's not perfect... But it works as some psuedo code if you're persistent on having a TextBox control here. You may want to use a ...
Adding Items to a ComboBox in a DataGridView Adding Multiple Arrays To a ListView Control Adding rows to a datatable based on elements of an array Adding spell check to textboxes in Winform app Adding Text To A Rich Text Box ... Adding Value and text to a Listbox or a combobox A...
Public Class Form1 Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Me.DataGridView1.MultiSelect = True For myRow As Integer = 0 To 9 Me.DataGridView1.Rows.Add() Me.DataGridView1(0, myRow).Value = myRow Me.DataGridView1(1, myRow).Value = myRow Next...
Dim intI, intC As Integer Dim intI2, intC2 As Integer Dim strTemp As String = "" Dim dblProgrs As Double intC = 100 intC2 = 1000 For intI = 0 To intC - 1 For intI2 = 0 To intC2 - 1 strTemp = strTemp & "%" Next dblProgrs = (intI + 1) * 100 / (intC) Background...