You can learn to play your first songs with me on ukulele in the FREE 45-page ukulele lesson book Your First Ukulele Lesson and Then Some delivered right to your email inbox.To get a free copy of the digital lesson book delivered to your inbox, just enter your email below:...
You can benefit from this site whether you play piano, guitar, bass, harmonica, or any keyboard, wind, string, brass, or percussion instrument. The information here is also helpful for students of music fundamentals or music theory. If you are a beginner, start with theLearn the Notespage....
However, if you play that same pitch of C on your clarinet, that C actually will sound like a B-flat in concert pitch because the clarinet is a transposing instrument. In order for that piece to sound the same on a flute and clarinet, we’ll need to transpose each of the notes by ...
Called the “King of Swing”; one of the greatest jazz clarinet players ever; first jazz musician to play Carnegie Hall; because he was white, Goodman helped popularize jazz music with white Americans; one of the first bandleaders to lead an integrated orchestra. Count Basie. Piano player ...
As such, this version of the work, written in 78 parts for whatever assortment of instruments the producer of a performance wishes, interwove a variety of pieces by Cage. These included theSonata for Clarinet(1933) which was caressingly and spryly performed by SFS principal clarinetist...
them differently or arching them) to fix this problem. You will also want to check that you have the proper embrochure, as this could cause a problem as well. If none of these fixes work, take your clarinet into a music store for a "check up," as something may need to be repaired...
For the best possible sound, you'll want to tune before you play. Refer to this article for more information. The tenor sax can be a good second instrument to clarinet players, or vice versa, as there are many parallels between the fingerings and they're both pitched in the same key....
While it's similar to a clarinet, an oboe uses a double reed as opposed to a clarinet's single reed. The double reed requires very specific mouth placement and breathing to be able to play the notes correctly. But with a lot of practice, you'll be learning your favorite songs soon ...
Beginner musicians often can play more complex songs if they are transposed to an easier key. If you are playing with a musician who plays a "transposing instrument," however, the process is a little bit different. Transposing instruments are those such as the clarinet, for which a C would...
Yes, you could probably play oboe, and you already know how to read music, so you just have to adjust your embouchure and learn the fingering for the notes. The oboe's note range is much higher than the bass clarinet, so you would have to tighten your mouth and get used to the do...