Thefirst cartoon flapper, Betty Boop appeared in the 1930 animated short "Dizzy Dishes." She started out cartoon life as an anthropomorphic dog, but evolved into her human form in 1931 with her first starring role in "Betty Coed." Her popularity has led to a virtual museum's worth of mer...
And it's been kind of fun, switching from the show to the game to the show to the game. - Yeah. Admittedly, I haven't played fallout in years, but watching the show again makes me really excited to jump back in and download Fallout and play it again-- as soon as I finish the ...
1. Play a Fun Cat Game with a Cat Toy Keep a basket of cat toys at the ready and spend about 15 minutes at a time, two times per day playing with your cat. This provides them physical exercise and mental stimulation, helping to stave off boredom and obesity. Try a string-on-a-...
I’ve written about how Ioverhauled my Steam library with SGDBoop, but it works with non-Steam games, too. Steam will automatically pull in the icon of the executable when you add the game to your library. There are four other elements you need to add manually: two grid images, a her...
The web is a wonderful place to play. I believe it is still a pretty wide-open frontier for creativity. While I got my start during the flash-animation dominated era, I've warmed up to the benefits of wordpress driven sites. Recently, I've developed websites for insurance agents, lawyers...
Warning: This will be a long post. I have significantly edited down this story based on inputs from friends to preserve anonymity. Sadly it means leaving out some juicy bits about how your favorite Senior Leadership Team (SLT) member or org leader sh...
JOSH STEIN: This is great. In a weird twist, actually, my wife played this first. Usually, I play it first, and she's like, ooh, what's this. I'm going to check it out. My brother-in-law got her the game on Switch. She started playing it. So then I downloaded it over on...
VR displays are able to play 360° videos and allow the users to move around in the virtual environment, which provides the user with a more immersive experience and allows them to interact with the world as they see fit [59]. Users now have more control over what they want to pay ...
people are smiling—genuinely, deeply, really smiling. Dancing, too. Moments later, a brigade of puppies trot, scoot, and boop their way in. Standing in their midst isKelly Clarkson, casually crooning along to a few bars of “Doo Wop” as she bends down to scoop a Very Good Boy ...