More advanced bhopping will also include multiple strafe changes within a single jump, which is especially effective when gaining distance on a jump. Due to the restrictions on air acceleration in standard and competitive CS2, you won't be able to gain speed and momentum indefinitely, with it ...
The transition to Source 2 in Counter-Strike 2 has introduced significant changes to in-game movement mechanics, including bunny hopping (BHOP), counter-strafe techniques, and many others. These modifications have refined the movement dynamics in CS2. Read more in our article toimprove your movemen...
Inferno can turn into a real hell if somebody who knows how to bhop in CSGO shows up on the server. Remember, it’s not about the volume of the hops, it’s about how you use them. A great example of this is Nifty, whose movementabsolutely bamboozled Mouza few years back. These are...
朱蹄动画馆462跟贴 讲真,是球网先动手的!!! 新媒体1跟贴 论背景音乐的重要性!! 新媒体 旁边有个抢活的…怎么办?人都过去了? 新媒体 多喝热水,热水治百病! 新媒体59跟贴 这滑的挺远的哈,棒棒哒 新媒体1跟贴 战斗民族糗事汇,每个都是爆笑 新媒体7跟贴...
If you want to take screenshots of your knife without any HUD interference, just open up the developer console once again and entercl_drawhud falseand any on-screen elements will be removed. It's also worth mentioning that some custom servers like surf orbhophave custom plug-ins that let ...
Before CS:GO became free to play, players had to purchase the game. Nowadays, Prime Status is a symbol of exclusivity in the game and allows gamers to enjoy some other benefits and features that are exclusive only to Prime users. Here’s everything you n
Using key binds in CS:GO isn’t just normal. It’s the most common way to play the game. Changing the game’s default controls so that they’re easier and more accessible for you is sensible and will give you an edge while playing that may just see you beat the enemy team in the...