Ukulele Storytime: Rose has both tutorials for how to play individual songs AND full ukulele storytimes available for you to view! My favorite song that I’ve learned from Rose is “Peace Like a River”. Miss Mary Liberry: My good friend Mary has fantastic ukulele tutorials on her blog. ...
Sue Schnitzer, assistant director of community outreach and special projects (and chief instigator of the ukulele flash mobs), is leading this effort. “We have to get outside our buildings and bring our programming into the community,” she says. “There are a lot of people in Memphis who ...
Greetings friends and family, we wanted to provide an update as to what is going on our side of the world. As most of you know, we have been living in Macau, a territory close to Hong Kong, in the South China Sea. It has been two years since we moved here and we have sincerely ...