My first instinct is to let him have the capability of avoiding this penalizer, since he'd learned to fight blinded. That, combined with the fact that he roleplays his blindness, seems fair enough, but I'd like to share it with rpg.SE community to check how to handle the situatio...
A Levitating or Flying wizard could cast these from some height, making the shorter-range effects useful for training without having to fly quite close to the ground. An 18th level wizard can prepare any 1st and 2nd level wizard spells as their "spell mastery" slot to cast it at will. Ta...
…[At] a May 2021 national summit for faith leaders,NIH Director Francis Collins– referred to as“Reverend-Doctor”– would address hundreds of faith leaders across the nation,claiming that the COVID-19 vaccines were God’s literal “answer to prayer”and urging...
reading that over, notice that I have made two assumptions. First, I have assumed (by using the word ‘catch’) that the heroes will be chasing him down and they probably won’t try to kill him. Second (a little more subtly), notice that I have made an assumption about...
When is it time to focus on defense? When is it time to put survival first? When is it time stretch out the fight and play to outlast the opponent instead of outkill the opponent? More importantly, when is it time to get the hell off the battlefield and try to retreat, regroup, ...
Wizard. Wizards are arcane spellcasters and masters of magic who learn their craft through intense scholarly study. Primary ability: Intelligence Saving throws: Intelligence and Wisdom Hit die: d6 Arcane Traditions: Abjuration, Bladesinging, Conjuration, Divination, Enchantment, Evocation, Illusion, Ne...