Alternatively Domination could be used as a replacement, where Cheap Shot synergises with Xayah’s E, as well as Ravenous Hunter being a useful asset, yet again contributing to the possibility of a tight situation. Related Get to know the 4 new League of Legends teams entering the NA LCS ...
As a MOBA game, League of Legends is defined by its roles. On any given team, there are five different positions to consider, namely ADC, support, mid, jungle, and the most over looked, top. Each position has seen its fair share of changes throughout the course of the game’s ...
Whether you're new to the game or an experienced player, these basic guides will help you understand the intricacies of the game, setting you and your champions on the path to victory!League of Legends: Gameplay BasicsIf you’re reading this, you’ve probably at least heard of League of ...
Before a new League of Legends update hits the live servers, why not test all the changes in the Public Beta Environment (PBE)? Recommended Videos Riot Games has opened the gates for anyone to join the PBE—a previously-exclusive server restricted to a select few. You’re good to go as...
The summer of 2018 was known inLeague of Legendsfor the great ADC Armageddon. A massive update to marksmen was thebiggest change to the game that entire yearand it resulted in a huge shift in the bot lane meta. Recommended Videos
Even after I decided toquit gaming, my addiction to League of Legends was the biggest hurdle to overcome. I’d get messages from my friends onDiscordsaying they needed me to fill in. My favourite positions as well, mid and ADC, to try and entice me. ...
Know When to Take a Fight Play Around the Map League is a Team Game Individual Skill Makes a Difference. Solo Carry Champions Darius Fiora Viego Trundle Solo Carry Midlaners Veigar Sylas Vayne Twitch Solo Carrying Games In a game that is teamwork-heavy like League of Legends, being able to...
To help you get started on your League of Legends journey, here are some helpful tips and tricks for new players: Take your time to learn the different League of Legends champions and their abilities. Experiment with various roles (such as top, mid, jungle, support, and adc) to find the...
League of Legends’ patch 9.10 is nigh, bringing with it a brand new support champion: Yuumi the Magical Cat. We run down how you can play her best on the Rift.
Among professional League of Legends players, Kog'Maw is most often selected on the Adc position. This is your source to learn all about Kog'Maw Probuilds and to learn how to play Kog'Maw. This page shows you how a pro builds Kog'Maw in detail. Solo queue and tournament matches played...