I would like to play a sound file two times in HTML <!DOCTYPEhtml><html><header><script>varsnd =newAudio("hello.wav"); snd.play(); snd =newAudio("hello.wav"); snd.play();</script></header><body>hello</body></html> However it is only played once. ...
Sound.play("myID"); // store off AbstractSoundInstance for controlling var myInstance = createjs.Sound.play("myID", {interrupt: createjs.Sound.INTERRUPT_ANY, loop:-1}); } I am also just a beginner in Js coding and hopefully it should work for you also. Thanks! Ankus...
First of all, let's get to the basics and talk about what sound is. In physics, a sound is a vibration that typically propagates as an audible wave of pressure, through a transmission medium such as gas, liquid or solid. If we represent the sound graphically, it will look like a wav...
In these set of articles, I have shown you how to work with sound in JavaScript and how to create and visualize a custom audio player with React and Web Audio API. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to leave a comment below. Also, if you arebuilding an appand wondering how m...
The Audio Looping button on the timeline More like this Sharing library assets Sound in Actionscript Work with common libraries Exporting sounds Kopīgojiet šo lapu Saite nokopēta Vai šī lapa palīdzēja? Jā, paldiesNe īsti Mainīt reģionu ...
Play Sound Using Clip in JavaClip is available in javax.sound.sampled package and was introduced in Java 7.In this example, we shall cover start, pause, resume, stop, restart and start at a random position.Below are the steps involved:...
Sound volumeYou can set the volume level in Sound / Volume settings.The volume change is automatically stored in the browser, so the value is saved the next visit. You can turn off volume storage in Settings / Memorizing. Separately you can turn off the mute storage....
What I want is a simple promise for the sound, so when I call it, I will have something like this: soundService.play('boom').then(function(){ do something here }); Is that even possible? javascript angularjs html5-audio You can make a generic object that you can implement to suit...
How do i play a warning sound on client side How do I reference a text box from another User Control How do I replace / Add a CssClass to a control in c# codebehind? How do I scroll the page to a specific location on page load? How do I set the Form Action dynamically How ...
If you open the YouTube video in Safari or another web browser instead of using the YouTube app, you will be able to mute the video while keeping the sound of the rest of the iPhone apps. This is possible because, in the desktop version of YouTube, you will see a “speaker” icon...