It’s important to have fun when using CSGO skins and items. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different items and skins to find the perfect combination for your play style.Additionally, make sure to take advantage of any discounts or promotions to get the most out of your skins and ite...
编者语:现场报点的现象从CSGO比赛开始就一直存在着,在今年这个现象尤为明显,SLi-7,ESL One纽约,EPL欧登塞等比赛都出现了这种情况,但是赛事组织方由于找不到合适的解决办法只能睁一只眼闭一只眼。Sliggy提出的这种做法虽然还未得到采纳,但无疑这是一种方向和尝试,毕竟他的最终目的还是为了提高赛事质量,将CS观赛体验打...
OPPO Philippines has teamed up with Arena of Valor, the fastest-growing 5v5 multiplayer online battle arena in the Philippines, and will be having a special Lunar Year offer (February 16 to 18), giving away red packets for every 5v5 Grand Battle or Ranked game that contains in-game items-...