Growing them from seed is super easy with a little bit of know-how. First off, alwaysbuy your seeds from a reputable seller. Rarely will you produce a beautiful plant from seeds that you’ve cultivated yourself. A popular growing medium for African Violet seeds ispeat moss. Place the peat...
there are different ways of propagation. Plant seeds outdoors in early spring when there’s still a chance of frost. Cover with only a thin layer of soil as they need light to germinate. This is the easiest way to propagate dianthus, although if the seeds are from a hybrid cultivar, the...
Watering will depend on where your plant is located, and there is no hard and fast rule for how much water your flame violet will need and after how many days. These plants needsimilar moisture conditions to African violets. Flame violets like their soil to bemoist all of the time. Howeve...
Plant height:8 inches tall, with 2 to 3-inch flowers. Plant Hardiness Zones:3 – 8 Other Names:Johnny Jump Up, Pansy, Violet Perennial Perennial Viola Plant Propagation Violas are grown from seeds. They like full to partial sun. Viola can be directly seeded into your flower garden or seed...
We have a huge container of violet Petunias that return every year! We also have a gorgeous white Vinca that returned from last year! About 2 weeks ago, we transplanted 3 Zinnia seedlings to the container, and they are doing very well! We are looking forward to the Zinnia blooms […] ...
seeping out and fouling the water. Most commonly available in blue-violet, balloon flowers also come in pink and white, as well as shorter forms better suited for rock gardens and containers. In fall, the foliage of balloon flower turns clear gold, so don't cut the plant down too early....
Small plants produce a wealth of dainty, clear-faced, fragrant blooms in jewel-like shades; yellow, apricot, blue, scarlet, white, and violet.Violais generally more winter-hardy than the larger-flowered pansy. Violas are popular, easy, and fun to grow. Fill an area or entire bed withViola...
Diamond: Dark violet fruit to 8 inches long and 3 inches wide; great flavor and texture, never bitter; tolerates cool and rain. Open-pollinated. Ichibahn: Slender, dark purple fruits, very productive, with few seeds. Hybrid. Little Fingers: Finger length, chubby fruits; tolerates verticilliu...
How to Plant Lavender Lavender is challenging to grow from seed; we recommend purchasing small starter plants from a garden nursery or taking a softwood cutting from an existing plant. Seeds may take up to 3 months to germinate, and seedlings must be overwintered indoors in cool climates. ...
Garden sage(Salvia officinalis): hardy perennial to 30 inches; gray-green leaves and violet flowers. Cultivars include ‘Dwarf’ that grows to 12 inches tall; ‘Berggarten’ which produces large silvery gray leaves but no flowers; ‘Albiflora’ with narrow leaves and white flowers; ‘Rubriflora...