Growing lettuce is great to do with kids, because it’s so easy to grow and it grows so quickly. Lettuce goes from seed to baby greens in 5-6 weeks, and seed to salad bowl in 6-8 weeks, so it’s a great plant for school gardens.Growing Lettuce—SaladScape of ‘Skyphos’ and ...
Celery from a stump:Just cut the bottom 2 inches from a bunch of celery (refrigerate the stalks for later use) and “plant” it, root side down, in a saucer of water or in a pot containing an inch or two of moist sand or potting soil. Leaves, then tender stalks, will slowly em...
loose heads or rosettes of usually dark green leaves with white celery-like stalks. These are heat-tolerant but will bolt if the weather turns from chilly to very warm Plant these at 2 to 3-week intervals for a continuous harvest. Loosehead types can be harvested a few stalks at a time...
Managing weeds can feel like a chore, but adding something simple like mulch can go a long way in keeping pests from taking over your garden. An even better way to minimize weeds in your lettuce garden is to plant your greens in garden beds. On top of making weed control more manageable...
Some lettuces are hardier than others. Lettuce that comes in a head, like romaine oriceberg, can keep up to a couple of weeks in the fridge. To keep it fresh as long as you can, cut off the ends but otherwise leave it intact. Don't wash those suckers until you're ready to use...
full stalk each week that gives you the bottom and gives you the option to re-grow in your kitchen (or start in your kitchen and plant outside later). Either way, celery is a common veggie and a good one to make sure to always have on your list so that you can get...
Spinach is usually on the sweeter side, but if you don’t like the taste try substituting with romaine lettuce instead.Finally, if you still find your smoothie on the bitter side you can adjust the fruit and veggie ratios so there’s a little more fruit and fewer greens. When is the ...
Please like, share and subscribe to my channel for more demos and healthy recipes! I hope you enjoyed myEZ Bean CookerTutorial, right now I’m running a contest for aFREE EZ Bean Cooker. Go here for details: ...
Flash Steam: Using a vegetable steamer set inside a pot filled with about two to three inches of water creates the perfect vapor for steaming. Cover the pot, and steam for no longer than three minutes. Grilled: There is nothing more delicious than grilled romaine lettuce. Use an outdoor gr...
The size of container should be relative to the size of the food you’re growing. Lettuce and celery grows best inshallow bowls like these. Green onion and lemongrass can be intaller, skinny glasses like these. You can regrow multiples of the same plant as long as you’re not overcrowding...