For germination to take place, you need to be extra careful with how you handle the taproot. The best way to show needed care is by leaving the seeds alone. By doing so, you can protect the seeds from breaking. For sees that are germinating, you need to plant them in soil or whichev...
Today’s germination tutorial will teach you how to plant your seeds in soil and still get excellent germination rates. (I recently used this technique on 8 seeds that were over 4 years old, and got a 100% germination rate!) Planting cannabis seeds directly in the soil is easy and effecti...
Flasking provides an alternative to attempting symbiotic germination. The orchid seeds are placed into the flask with a nutrient-rich substance that they can utilize to germinate. After germination, the orchid seeds must stay in the flask for a long time, up to 2 years, before the young plan...
For most seeds,that’s warmth and moisture. In a few cases, it also requires light, but that’s less common. Moisture is necessary to penetrate the seed coat and stimulate the embryonic plant to burst forth. Warmth is another way to help indicate to that dormant embryonic plant that it’...
To avoid fungal diseases plant disease-resistant varieties or seeds that have been hot water treated. Plant in well-drained soil. Water with compost tea. Remove and destroy diseased plants immediately. Rotate crops on a three-year cycle.
Mimosa seeds require for germination a soil medium that is moist but not saturated. Warning Mimosa seeds will begin to sprout in anywhere from three to four days to two weeks. You can plant several mimosa seeds in the same container and thin out weak plants when you transplant the seedling ...
The best time to plant sunflower seeds is between April and May. Sow seeds individually in 10cm pots of peat-free, multi-purpose compost. Cover the pots with a clear plastic bag and place them in a warm spot for the best chances of germination. Remove the plastic cover once the seedling...
Avoiding Common Mistakes During Germination Here are a few rookie mistakes to avoid: Don’t let the seeds dry out during germination. Don’t dig them up to “check” if they’re sprouting—that can damage the root. Don’t plant seeds too deep. Stick to about half an inch. ...
In most cases, prepare a pot with the same soil that would do well for a mature plant. Sprinkle the seeds upon the surface--do not bury them. Keep the pot moist and in bright conditions, just as if it contained a growing carnivorous plant, and then wait. Germination takes longer for ...
Plant heat-resistant lettuce cultivars where the weather is warm. Shade and water will help prevent bolting. Lettuce is a cool-season crop that must come to harvest before the weather gets warm. Sowing lettuce seeds should be timed so that they are transplanted to the garden just as soon as...