火焰兰扭扭棒花制作教程Diy Beautiful Handmade Pipe Cleaner Flame Orchids 10:04 节节花扭扭棒花制作教程How To Make Beautiful Plumeria Flower from Pipe 10:10 鸡蛋花花扭扭棒花制作教程How To Make Beautiful Plumeria Flower from Pipe 13:14 多头玫瑰花扭扭棒花制作教程How to Make Beautiful Flower Bouq...
06 君子兰扭扭棒花制作教程 DIY Clivia Pot - How to Make Beautiful flower wit 15:07 黄钟花非洲菊扭扭棒花制作教程 Yellow Elder Flowers 13:37 扭扭棒花制作教程How to Make Beautiful flowers with Pipe Cleaner 20:09 扭扭棒花制作教程DIY Beautiful Pipe Cleaner Flower 10:47 凌霄花扭扭棒花制作教程 ...
” says Marc Hachadourian, Curator of Glasshouse Collections for the New York Botanical Garden. “Inexpensive orchids are no less likely to thrive. Just choose a strong, healthy-looking plant.”
Now you should have a small piece of stem with roots and little leaves attached. Pack sphagnum moss around the plant, keeping the leaves exposed. You’ll need enough moss to hold the plant securely once it’s in the pot. Secure the keiki in the pot and moisten the moss well. Now, al...
prospect of reproducing their orchids. However, orchids are quite hardy and can be reproduced easily. Reproducing your orchid can benefit the overall health of the plant, encouragingnew growth. With the right preparation, you can use the division method to reproduce your orchids yourself in an ...
Dracula orchids are somewhat difficult to propagate, although not impossible for the determined gardener. Growing from seed is never the fastest way to propagate orchids, but for Dracula orchids in particular, it may be the best way to produce more than one plant. ...
Plant the leaf into a small pot with a light, porous propagating soil mix and bury the stem up to the base of the leaf. Water as you would usually, andcover the pot with a clear plastic bag.This will help to produce the best humidity for growth. The leaf should produce roots within...
Orchids that grow from rhizomes or rhizomatous roots, such as Cattleyas, can be divided like any other houseplant in spring. Water thoroughly and then slide the orchid from its pot. Rinse the potting mix from the roots and then divide the roots so each section has roots and at le...
A treasure trove of plant biodiversity from the 20th century: the Werner Rauh Heritage Project at Heidelberg Botanical Garden and Herbarium From these journeys, he brought back innumerable plants to the Botanical Garden Heidelberg, especially succulents, bromeliads and orchids, which are a ... Koch...
“The general rule is to do this for late winter/spring maintenance. If a plant is root-bound and needs potting up a size, gently loosen the roots and repot in a pot a size up with fresh PEAT-FREE compost.” Exactly how you should care for your plant will depend on the type of ...