To put it as simply as possible, pre-seeding is planting your seeds outside in late fall or early winter before the ground freezes. This mimics what often happens in the garden naturally. When plants drop their seeds, they stay dormant on or in the ground until the weather warms up in ...
Plant perennial sunflowers in an area that receives full sun. The soil needs to be well-draining. Plant smaller perennial sunflowers at the front of a border, while the taller ones belong in the middle or back of a mixed bed or a cutting garden. If you plan on growing some of the tall...
Each spring, apply a layer of compost under the plant and a 2-inch layer ofmulchto retain moisture and control weeds. Some gardeners swear by phosphorus to aid with flowering. Scratch a couple of cups of bone meal into the soil in the spring and then add some rock phosphate in the fal...
How To Grow Broccoli How To Grow Carrots How To Grow Beans How To Grow Corn How To Grow Peas How To Grow Lettuce How To Grow Cucumbers How To Grow Zucchini and Summer Squash How To Grow Onions How To Grow Potatoes How to Plant, Grow, and Harvest Malabar Spinach ...
A perennial garden is incomplete without Blue Globe Thistle. This flowering plant is native to southern and eastern Europe and western Asia. Aspart of thesunflowerfamily, this plant is sure to create a summer spectacle with a spectacular twist. ...
Blazing star flowers, also known as gayfeather, is native to the eastern United States and can be found in prairies and moist meadows. This plant is a lovely addition to a perennial garden landscape. It thrives in full sun with medium-moisture soil. The flowers areespecially attractive to po...
Plant phlox in the spring after thethreat of frost has passed, or plant in the fall at least a month before your first frost. How to Plant Phlox It is easier to grow phlox from cuttings/transplants than from seeds, although established plants will readily spread by seed in the garden. ...
Garlic is a cool-weather perennial plant commonly planted in the cool of autumn or early spring. Garlic–which is sometimes classified as an herb–is grown from cloves selected from medium to large bulbs, called heads, harvested the season before. You can plant cloves from garlic heads purchase...
A perennial with flowering power, painted daisy is a fantastic addition to cottage gardens and looks gorgeous as acut flower in vases. The plant initially blooms in early summer and continues blossoming sporadically until the first frost. Painted daisy's foliage, which ranges from chartreuse to me...
Zinnias produce flowers and seeds yearly, but they won’t reseed in your garden unless you live in USDA Growing Zones 9-11. In this warm climate, zinnias are a self-seeding annual that acts almost as a perennial. If you live anywhere where winter temperatures drop below freezing, you mus...